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Check what is the cooldown to use commands again.

Cooldowns per K-PASS

CommandRegularVIP ($4.99)MEGAVIP ($9.99)ULTRAVIP ($14.99)
k!d15 min
k!daily24 hr
k!weekly7 days
k!md2 hrs80 min60 min30 min
k!l12 hrs10 hrs8 hrs6 hrs
k!ud10 hrs
k!ad4 hrs3 hrs2 hrs1 hr
🆕 k!amd12 hrs10 hrs8 hrs6 hrs

Cards/Albums per K-PASS

CommandRegularVIP ($4.99)MEGAVIP ($9.99)ULTRAVIP ($14.99)
k!d1 card
k!daily1 card2 cards3 cards4 cards
k!weekly2 cards3 cards4 cards5 cards
k!md2 cards3 cards4 cards5 cards
k!l3 cards4 cards5 cards (2 claimeable)6 cards (2 claimeable)
k!ud3 cards
k!ad1 album
🆕 k!amd3 albums4 albums5 albums6 albums